Does insurance cover CPAP?
Does your health plan cover CPAP expenses? If you are newly diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), this may be foremost...
Qualities of the Best CPAP/Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Providers
If you've been diagnosed with sleep apnea, the very first thing you will need to do is purchase the equipment for your therapy.
Durable medical equipment (DME) and the sleep center
One common challenge for healthcare consumers is keeping up with abbreviations and acronyms they encounter during diagnosis and...
Can't sleep because of seasonal allergies? Reasons and solutions
When allergies cause sleep problems, it can make a household miserable. We can’t sleep because we can’t breathe, so we endure...
Common problems with CPAP Therapy
Finding the right mask and air pressure settings are critical to successful CPAP treatment for sleep apnea.
Also important is...
Remember: Replace worn CPAP equipment (masks, tubing, filters, machine)
Your CPAP equipment comes to you shiny and brand new, but like anything else used regularly, you will need to replace certain...
Different Types of CPAP masks: Nasal CPAP, nasal pillows, and full face CPAP masks
For some, the prospect of starting CPAP therapy to treat sleep apnea is welcomed. After years of poor sleep and feeling...
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